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Dongguan Yuanhai Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Mr. Cheng

Mobile phone: 18025948663

Tel: 0769-88342853

7/F, Building A, Dongfang Building, 1 Dongfang Road, Beigai Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City

Laying method of towline cable

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As a best-selling product of wire and cable, towline cable is widely used and has good corrosion resistance. It is also called high-end cable. Its processing technology is diversified and its standard is high. It has a series of unique performances such as high flexibility, wear resistance, flexure resistance, oil resistance, bending resistance, tension resistance, torsion resistance, anti-interference, anti-aging, etc. Most of them are used in flexible occasions such as industrial automation system, conveying machinery, robots, servo motors, encoders, fire alarm system, cranes, CNC machine tools and metallurgical industry. In order to prevent entanglement, abrasion, pull-off, hanging and scattering of cables, cables are often put into cable tow chains to protect the cables, and the cables can keep moving back and forth with the tow chains. When laying this kind of cable, we should pay attention to the specific methods. A little carelessness will cause certain faults in the early use.

1. First of all, the laying of towed cable can not be bent, because it is to protect the cable inside, if the bending or distortion is serious, it will cause damage to the internal and external cables, resulting in equipment can not meet the requirements of users. Before laying, the cable should be flattened, and then laid according to the actual operation conditions.

2. At this time, we must pay attention to the minimum bending radius of the cable. Long time bending will cause cable deformation.

3. In the application of towline cables, they must be arranged loosely in the towline, not all cables can be squeezed together, in order to avoid entanglement, which will also endanger the use of cables.

4. The two points of the cable must be fixed, or at least at the moving end of the tow chain. Usually the distance between the moving point of the cable and the end of the tow chain should be 20-30 times the diameter of the cable.

5. If the towline cable is fixed and installed properly, it does not need to be forced to move at will, which will cause errors in the position of the cable and trigger the actual application effect.

6. Make sure that the cable moves completely within the bending radius, so that the cables can move relative to each other or with the guide device. After a period of operation, it is most suitable to check the cables. The test must be carried out after push-pull movement.

7. In addition to the points mentioned above, customers must also pay attention to the use of towed cables and minimize the use in wet and high temperature sites, otherwise the cable will be oxidized quickly and the service life will be reduced.

Dongguan Yuanhai Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Mr. Cheng

Mobile phone: 18025948663

Tel: 0769-88342853

7/F, Building A, Dongfang Building, 1 Dongfang Road, Beigai Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City

Dongguan Yuanhai Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. all rights reserved©Copyright 2019 Technical Support:Dongguan website construction

Company products: high flexible towline cable, robot cable, servo harness, servo accessories, PLC communication line, industrial Ethernet cable

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