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Dongguan Yuanhai Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.

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Dongguan Yuanhai Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Mr. Cheng

Mobile phone: 18025948663

Tel: 0769-88342853

7/F, Building A, Dongfang Building, 1 Dongfang Road, Beigai Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City

What is a towline cable
2019-05-10 Origin of tow chain: Cable carrier is a kind of equipment for bundle cable or cable or air pressure pipe and oil pressure pipe to facilitate its rotation and movement.In 1953, Professor Gilbert Vanninger of German...
Introduction to the Production and Processing Process of Wire and Cable
2019-05-10 1. Process characteristics of wire and cable products manufacturing:1. Production mode of large length continuous superpositionLarge-length continuous superposition combined production mode has global and controllable impact...
Classification of Wires and Cables
2019-05-10 Wires and cables mainly include bare wires, high temperature cables and electrical insulation cables for motors, low voltage cables, power cables and optical cables. Electric package refers to the material used for tra...
Laying method of towline cable
2019-05-10 As a best-selling product of wire and cable, towline cable is widely used and has good corrosion resistance. It is also called high-end cable. Its processing technology is diversified and its standard is high. It ha...
The same black sheathed cable, the quality of materials is very different!
2019-05-10 1. Antimony trioxide is a special high-quality flame retardant in flame retardant polyvinyl chloride and flame retardant polyethylene. Because of its excellent flame retardant synergistic effect with halogen, it can impr...

Dongguan Yuanhai Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Mr. Cheng

Mobile phone: 18025948663

Tel: 0769-88342853

7/F, Building A, Dongfang Building, 1 Dongfang Road, Beigai Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City

Dongguan Yuanhai Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. all rights reserved©Copyright 2019 Technical Support:Dongguan website construction

Company products: high flexible towline cable, robot cable, servo harness, servo accessories, PLC communication line, industrial Ethernet cable

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