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Dongguan Yuanhai Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.

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Dongguan Yuanhai Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Mr. Cheng

Mobile phone: 18025948663

Tel: 0769-88342853

7/F, Building A, Dongfang Building, 1 Dongfang Road, Beigai Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City

Temperature Sensitive Cable for Cable Bridge Frame
2019-05-10 Characteristic of temperature-sensitive cable for cable bridge frame:1) The temperature-sensitive cable has stable structure, strong anti-interference and anti-tension performance.2) The detector has the performance of differ...
Installation Requirements and Technology of Temperature Sensitive Cable
2019-05-10 4. Detector Installation4.1 Basic Requirements1) Temperature-sensitive cables shall be installed in a continuous connection without taps or branches, and shall be constructed strictly in accordance with the design requirem...
Robot cable, do you really understand?
2019-05-10 In 2013, the German government proposed Industrial 4.0, which aims at self-control between machines and to raise the quality and efficiency of production to a new level through intelligent production.Japan is one of t...

Dongguan Yuanhai Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Mr. Cheng

Mobile phone: 18025948663

Tel: 0769-88342853

7/F, Building A, Dongfang Building, 1 Dongfang Road, Beigai Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City

Dongguan Yuanhai Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. all rights reserved©Copyright 2019 Technical Support:Dongguan website construction

Company products: high flexible towline cable, robot cable, servo harness, servo accessories, PLC communication line, industrial Ethernet cable

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