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Dongguan Yuanhai Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.

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Dongguan Yuanhai Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Mr. Cheng

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Tel: 0769-88342853

7/F, Building A, Dongfang Building, 1 Dongfang Road, Beigai Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City

Robot cable, do you really understand?

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In 2013, the German government proposed "Industrial 4.0", which aims at self-control between machines and to raise the quality and efficiency of production to a new level through intelligent production.

Japan is one of the earliest countries to use industrial robots on a large scale. It is now popularizing robots in more fields and is moving towards a "robotic country".

Robots are not only indispensable in the field of production and manufacturing, but also have entered the life of the general public with the development and application of medical and pension service robots.

However, in recent years, China's robot cable industry has developed rapidly, and the market position has been gradually improved. A number of excellent robot cable manufacturers have emerged. With the concept of "Made in China 2025" put forward, more and more cable companies have listed robotic cables as new products for development planning, forming a wave of robotic cables.

Robot cable is an important part of the robot, which is the central nervous system of the robot. According to incomplete statistics, foreign-funded enterprises almost dominate the domestic robot cable business and get about 80% of the orders.

However, at present, there are no relevant product standards for robotic cables, and a few enterprises only rely on the requirements of the whole plant to produce products. There is no technical specifications for forming, which brings great difficulties to the research and development of enterprises. At the same time, the lack of product standards is not conducive to the healthy growth of the market.

In this process, many manufacturers of robotic cables often fall into some common misunderstandings:

Myth 1: It is a good cable in China that can withstand tens of millions of mechanical tests.

Many manufacturers of robotic cables still borrow from other industries in the past in evaluating the quality of their products, that is, the carrying capacity of mechanical testing. In terms of test methods, they pursue a "perfect" test challenge, that is, cable can withstand 10 million motion tests.

Wear resistance is important, but there are three reasons to think about the whole situation.

1. The test instrument can not achieve the ability of uninterrupted tens of millions of tests. If there is a pause in the interval, the test results will be deviated.

2. Test cycle and cost, if it reaches tens of millions of sports tests, its cycle may be as high as several years, the cost is more than millions, which is not in line with cost accounting for enterprises.

3. The test requirement of robot cable not only considers the transmission of electric energy, but also takes into account the function of carrying signal transmission. Whether the loss of cable caused by mechanical testing will affect the stability of signal transmission is the core factor of cable quality for robots.

Because of the particularity of different industries, it is necessary to consider the quality criteria from multiple dimensions, and define the limit value of the test from the rationality, cost structure and dynamic changes.

Myth 2: Price advantage is more important than product design

Although most Chinese manufacturers are facing severe market price competition, their biggest hardest injury is the lack of design capability in the face of a new robotic parts industry, which is a necessary condition affecting performance.

Taking conductor copper as an example, the ordinary drawing process can not meet the requirements of cable. In our testing process, the phenomenon of breakage often occurs in 100,000 mechanical tests, while Japanese and German products can withstand more than 10 times the number of tests of local products. Their design process has 20-30 years of R&D and production experience, but in the best enterprises in China, only 10 years. That's why 80% of robotics manufacturers prefer to buy imported products. Faced with such challenges, changing design is the key to improving quality and obtaining orders.

Myth 3: No Re-test Requirement for Robot Plant

At present, most manufacturers only require certification reports for parts suppliers in the procurement process, but with the popularity of robots, they will pay more and more attention to the depreciation rate and loss degree of parts such as cables in the future, and retest them in the use process to evaluate the durability of materials and the stability of signal transmission.

Dongguan Yuanhai Wire and Cable Co., Ltd.

Contact person: Mr. Cheng

Mobile phone: 18025948663

Tel: 0769-88342853

7/F, Building A, Dongfang Building, 1 Dongfang Road, Beigai Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City

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Company products: high flexible towline cable, robot cable, servo harness, servo accessories, PLC communication line, industrial Ethernet cable

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